Zerrissene Jahre
Curator: Philipp Blom
Historian and author
Following Philipp Blom’s “The Vertigo Years”, the thesis of a “Period of Inner Conflicts” takes center stage: war has retreated from the battlefields into the heads and determined or jeopardized the future. In a series of talks with international guests, the fragmented past hundred years should be oriented on exemplary, but non-chronological and specific themes.
“In order to grasp and describe the period of inner wars and overlapping currents of fear and hope, alienation, flight and engagement- a puzzle of exemplary episodes of historic events will outline an overall picture, assembling single elements to feel the pulse of the time. Our interest is rather focused on the individual experience and the worldview of human beings than on repeating thoroughly analyzed political and economic developments. This ‘Zeitgefühl’ embraces various social and cultural contours of a landscape where conflicts are carried on and driven by a bitter echo of the released energies. Culture and society, art and atrocities draw the picture of vertigo years between reconstruction and revolution.